Canada’s Instrumentation Leader Since 1946.


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Phoebe Phosphorus Analyzer

Proprietary doubly curved crystal optics create an ideal monochromatic excitation beam that maximized the desired signal while minimizing radiation interference, ultimately improving sensitivity.

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Silicon Analyzer

Proprietary doubly curved crystal optics create an ideal monochromatic excitation beam that maximized the desired signal while minimizing radiation interference, ultimately improving sensitivity.

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Concrete Specimen End Grinder

For over fifty years, Hoskin Scientific has been a supplier of testing and monitoring instrumentation to the Canadian market. With offices in Vancouver, Burlington, and Montreal our customers are able to receive local sales and technical support in our three major departments.

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Transtech Pavement Quality Indicator

Learn the process of performing a standardization on #TransTechSystems #PQI380 #NonNuclear #AsphaltDensity gauge and the #SDG200 #NonNuclear #SoilDensity gauges.

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Transtech Soil Density Gauge

Learn the process of performing a standardization on #TransTechSystems #PQI380 #NonNuclear #AsphaltDensity gauge and the #SDG200 #NonNuclear #SoilDensity gauges.

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