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DEWESoftX – Logiciel d’acquisition et analyse de données

DewesoftX is an award-winning data acquisition software for test & measurement and monitoring. It offers data recording, data analysis, and data visualization. The DAQ software received multiple international awards, is innovative, easy to use, and very deep in functionality. What's New in the Version 2021.1? NEW 3D GRAPH WITH PROCESSING […]

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DewesoftX is an award-winning data acquisition software for test & measurement and monitoring. It offers data recording, data analysis, and data visualization. The DAQ software received multiple international awards, is innovative, easy to use, and very deep in functionality.

What's New in the Version 2021.1?

  • NEW 3D GRAPH WITH PROCESSING MARKERS: Have you ever wanted to view the full frequency history of a long measurement and understand how that data correlates to time-domain data? The brand new 3D Graph can now display the whole time history of vector channels while having its view perfectly synchronized with the recorder.
  • SIMPLE REPORTING: The interface for creating simple reports in Dewesoft has received a major overhaul. Report displays are now a separate entity, representing a piece of paper in the format of choice with either landscape or portrait orientation. Since the dimensions of report pages are fixed, all display widgets that get added will keep their aspect ratio when printing, generating a PDF file, or switching between monitors.
  • HISTORIAN DATABASE: Historian is Dewesoft’s time-series database solution for monitoring applications and long-term testing applications. It allows you to monitor raw data (vibration, temperature, inclination, strain, pressure…) as well as data derived from Dewesoft’s math modules (statistics, filters, FFT, etc.) with a self-hosted or a fully cloud-managed service.
  • ORBIT ANALYSIS: Precise rotor movement measurements and advanced analysis tailored for turbomachinery applications. Dewesoft Orbit Analysis is a complete solution that will help you improve operating efficiency, lower wear, and prevent any potential critical failures of your machine.
  • VELODYNE LIDAR SUPPORT: The complete Velodyne Lidar family is supported by the new Velodyne module. Communication and connection of single or multiple devices are done over Ethernet.
  • OPTRIS THERMAL CAMERA SUPPORT: The Optris camera module allows you to visualize, store, and analyze the data acquired with Optris Thermovison camera models XI400, PI400, and PI640.
  • MODAL TEST MIMO SUPPORT: The Modal test module has been greatly improved in DewesoftX, supporting MIMO for evaluating the dynamic behavior of structures. This means you are now able to use multiple modal hammers or vibration shakers. The user interface was also updated so the Modal test is now easier to use than ever.
  • UPDATED USER INTERFACE: The user interface has been reworked in a flat design paradigm to make it feel more modern and user-friendly. Major improvements have also been made in the grid system, which has been unified across the standard modules. Adding display widgets is now done in the same manner as adding modules in the channel setup.
  • IMPROVED VISUALISATION: The widget settings tab has been redesigned and features new display options, which improve the readability of data and make displays even more configurable to satisfy every user’s needs. We have also rewritten some of the display widgets to be drawn on GPU for faster performance using the latest DirectX technologies.
  • SYNCHRONISED DATA ACQUISITION AND VISUALISATION: DewesoftX can acquire, analyze, and visualize data from several data interfaces like analog, digital, counters, CAN/CAN FD bus, XCP, CCP, FlexRay, EtherCAT, Ethernet, and many others.