The Wind Monitor - ALPINE MODEL offers the performance and
rugged construction of our standard Wind Monitor with the added benefit
of an ice-resistant coating on external surfaces. It promises improved
survivability for the most severe wind measuring applications.
The wind direction sensor is a rugged molded vane. The wind
speed sensor is a four blade helicoid propeller. Propeller diameter is
slightly reduced from our standard model to minimize vibration at high
speeds. External housing surfaces are coated with a specially
formulated, Ice-resistant coating to improve performance in harsh alpine
conditions. The all-black color scheme further enhances ice-shedding
performance of the sensor. The instrument is made of UV stabilized
plastic with stainless steel and anodized aluminum fittings. The
instrument mounts on standard 1 inch pipe. Model 05103V-45 offers calibrated voltage outputs,
Model 05103L-45 provides 4-20 mA current outputs.