Canada’s Instrumentation Leader Since 1946.

AO-002: Oxygen Meter / Sensor Flow Through Head


The flow through head is designed for laboratory applications with an oxygen sensor. The head comes with 1/4 inch barbed nylon fittings for connecting to a hose, through which the air to be measured passes. Dimensions: 3.2 cm diameter, 8.56 cm length, 1/4 inch barbed nylon connectors.

  • SKU : E-804-AO-002
  • Manufacturer: Apogee
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The flow through head is designed for laboratory applications with an oxygen sensor. The head comes with 1/4 inch barbed nylon fittings for connecting to a hose, through which the air to be measured passes.

3.2 cm diameter, 8.56 cm length, 1/4 inch barbed nylon connectors.

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