Canada’s Instrumentation Leader Since 1946.

AQSync Air Quality Monitoring Station

This fully customizable monitoring station can include EPA-certified Federal Equivalent Method (FEM) techniques for monitoring ambient O3 and NO2 (including NO and NOx) plus near-reference grade techniques for monitoring PM1, PM2.5, PM10, CO, CO2, TVOCs, wind speed, wind direction, temperature, pressure, and relative humidity.

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The AQSync combines the best of the best instruments and sensors into one package. This fully customizable monitoring station can include EPA-certified Federal Equivalent Method (FEM) techniques for monitoring ambient O3 and NO2 (including NO and NOx) plus near-reference grade techniques for monitoring PM1, PM2.5, PM10, CO, CO2, TVOCs, wind speed, wind direction, temperature, pressure, and relative humidity.

  • Ambient ozone measurements from 2B Tech’s FEM Model 108-L Ozone Monitor (EQOA-0914-218)
  • Ambient NOx measurements from 2B Tech’s FEM Model 405 nm NO2/NO/NOx Monitor (EQNA-0217-243)
  • Optical particle counter with sheath flow and heated inlet for FEM-quality PM1, PM2.5, and PM10 measurements
  • Optional Methane and BTEX modules available. Please reach out to our Sales Team ([email protected]) for more information
  • Data uploaded via either cellular or WiFi to the cloud, accessible using 2B Tech’s Data Portal
Customizable module choices include:
  • 2B Tech’s FEM instruments for O3, NO2, and NO
  • Met One Instrument’s Optical Particle Counter with sheath flow and heated inlet for FEM-quality PM1, PM2.5, and PM10
  • NDIR absorbance instrument for CO2
  • Photoionization sensor for total VOCs
  • Amperometry sensor for CO
  • Weather data including sonic anemometer for wind speed and wind direction
  • Optional modules for Methane and BTEX available. Please reach out to our Sales Team ([email protected]) for more information
  • Rugged NEMA 4X IP67 enclosure for outdoor installation
  • Real-time data uploading to the cloud using either cellular or wifi connectivity
  • Online Data Portal to view AQSync data remotely
  • Touch-screen interface
  • Remote-control of the AQSync via the web
  • Power-stingy requirements to allow for solar panel and/or battery operation
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