The optimization of sheet metal forming processes, considering the right material choice and tool optimization, is a decisive factor for competitiveness, particularly in the automotive industry. The optical 3D forming analysis system ARGUS supports such optimization processes with precise results of the forming distribution of components. The results from the ARGUS system provide full-field information […]
The optimization of sheet metal forming processes, considering the right material choice and tool optimization, is a decisive factor for competitiveness, particularly in the automotive industry.
The optical 3D forming analysis system ARGUS supports such optimization processes with precise results of the forming distribution of components.
The results from the ARGUS system provide full-field information about:
All results are presented in a fine resolution mesh created from the determination of the 3D coordinates and reflecting the surface of the measured object.
In the Forming Limit Diagram the measurement results are compared to the material characteristics of the blank (Forming Limit Curve) to determine critical forming areas.
The measuring system operates independent of the forming process and provides full-field results with high local resolution, for small as well as for large components.
It is used to analyze components made from flat blanks, tubes or other components manufactured by an internal high pressure forming process (IHPF).
The optical forming analysis using ARGUS has become a proven tool for evaluating forming processes. The unique possibility to measure complex sheet metal parts with a high scanning density opens up new aspects for the verification of forming simulations.
As part of complex process chains, optical measuring systems have become important tools in industrial sheet metal forming processes in the last years. Together with the numerical simulation of forming they have significant potential for quality improvement and optimization of development time for products and production.
ARGUS strongly supports the verification of FE-simulations.
The import of FE result datasets allows to perform numerical full-field comparisons to FE simulations for sheet metal parts.
Thus finite element simulations can be optimized and are getting more reliable.
ARGUS provides an import interface for CAD data which are used for 3D coordinate transformations and 3D shape deviation calculations.
The import interface handles following formats:
The entire measuring, evaluation and documentation process is carried out within the integrated ARGUS Software.
The ARGUS software supports the ARGUS System. The full potential of the available hardware is used to capture and evaluate the measuring area efficiently and with high accuracy.
Learn more about the functionality of the powerful ARGUS Software in the Software pages.
Find out more about the practical use of the ARGUS Measuring System.
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