Canada’s Instrumentation Leader Since 1946.

Chlorophyll Fluorometer

Testing Methods: Fv/Fm – A measure of Maximum Quantum Efficiency Fv/Fm is the most used parameter for plant stress detection in the world. Research has proven it to be a robust way to measure plant stress that affect photosystem II. The parameter and its protocol also provides the advantage that samples can be measured and […]

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Testing Methods:

Fv/Fm -
A measure of Maximum Quantum Efficiency
Fv/Fm is the most used parameter for plant stress detection in the world. Research has proven it to be a robust way to measure plant stress that affect photosystem II. The parameter and its protocol also provides the advantage that samples can be measured and compared in the same known dark adapted state.
Fv/Fm has been shown to correlate with carbon assimilation for may types of plant stress. The OS30P+ measuring trace is graphically displayed in color, and Fo is accurately measured using red modulated light.

Fv/Fo - While it does not directly correlate with carbon assimilation, it is a very sensitive stress detector that is more sensitive than Fv/Fm. It also allows comparison samples in the same known dark adapted state.

Advanced OJIP
"JIP" Test -  This plant stress testing method provides a high time resolution image of the Kautsky induction curve against a logarithmic time scale. The curves are displayed, and traces can be overlaid and compared on the color instrument screen, or easily recreated from the data file for comparison, to evaluate plant stress. Direct readout of important stress detecting parameters and the overlay of measuring traces, are now immediately possible in the field.

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