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Cloud Point Testers

MPC-102 has been designed for automatic determination of Pour Point (PP) and Cloud Point (CP) with small specimen size and shorter test cycle time while securing better test precision than the conventional manual methods’. PP measurement is made utilizing a new ASTM test method, namely “Air Pressure Method”(*1), which yields eventually no bias against the conventional test […]

  • SKU : G-109-MPC-602/302/102
  • Manufacturer: Tanaka
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has been designed for automatic determination of Pour Point (PP) and Cloud Point (CP) with small specimen size and shorter test cycle time while securing better test precision than the conventional manual methods'. PP measurement is made utilizing a new ASTM test method, namely "Air Pressure Method"(*1), which yields eventually no bias against the conventional test method, repeatability/reproducibility of 1oC/2oC and 2-3 times faster determinations. The epoch-making high accuracy justifies PP determination at 1oC intervals, which can help increasing the yields in the process. The CP/PP mode executes a CP determination and then PP determination consecutively, which further improves the test throughput in the lab.*ASTM D6749 on "Standard Method for Pour Point of Petroleum Products (Automatic Air Pressure Method)"

High Precision Pour Point Determination
: The typical repeatability and reproductivity are 1°C and 2°C respectively, when PP is determined at 1°C intervals.(*2) This high precision attributes to the patented Air Pressure method, in which the disturbance to the formation of wax crystal structure through the test process is kept at a minimal and consistent level.*Precision information is for general samples such as diesel fuels, base oils and finished lube oils.

Pour Point at 1°C Testing Intervals
: With this high precision, PP can be determined at 1°C intervals for more precise process control, and therefore a considerable savings in the process can be realized.

Easy and Quick PP/CP Determination: Just set up a sample, select a test mode and then press the START key. The sample is cooled at the steepest possible rate without affecting the formation/growth of wax crystal, which has been known to be a critical factor for PP/CP determination. The test cycle time is typically 1/3 to 1/3 of that of the conventional tilting method's.(*3)When a diesel fuel oil with PP of -32°C is tested, the Air Pressure method took 45 minutes while the conventional tilting method took 140 minutes. Note that the Japan Industrial Standard defines PP in 2.5°C increments

Easy Sample Handling: Since the required sample volume is a mere 4.5ml and the sample cup is a test-tube type removal jar, the sample handling is extremely easy.

Compact Design & Energy Efficient
: Use of Peltier Cells for sample cooling/heating made this "mini" tester no only compact in design but energy efficient. Depending on the temperature range, either air, tap water or small chiller with anti-freeze suffices the cooling requirement. No methanol is required.

Model MPC-602/302 has been designed for automatic determination of Pour Point (PP) and Cloud Point (CP) with small specimen size and shorter test time while securing better test precision than the Pressure method's. PP measurement is made by utilizing a new automatic method, namely Air and reproducibility of 2°C.(*) This epoch-making accuracy has made PP determination at 1°C intervals make more sense. The CP/PP mode executes a CP determination and then a PP determination consecutively, which further improves the test thoughput. MPC-602 is a 6 tests version, and MPC-302 is a 3 tests version or its original single test model (MPC-102L). ASTM has approved the PP test method: ASTM D6749 on "Standard Test Method for Pout Point of Petroleum Products (Automatic Air Pressure Method)".Accuracy information is for typical samples.

Pour Point at 1°C Intervals for Higher Yield in Process
: The conventional PP test methods yield a rough PP numbers of multiple of 3°C, and thus higher resolution in PP determination has been long awaited for more elaborate process control. With the patented Air Pressure method, PP can be now determined at 1°C intervals with high accuracy, since the disturbance on the formation of wax crystal structure through the test process is at a minimal level. When PP is measured at 1°C intervals, typical repeatability and reproducibility are 1°C and 2°C, respectively.

Easy Sample Handling
: Since the required specimen volume is a mere 4.5ml and the specimen cup is a test-tube type removable jar, the sample handling is extremely easy.

Easy, Quick, and Precise PP/CP Determination: Just set up the specimen, set test parameters, and then press START key to start a test. Specimen is cooled at the steepest possible rate without affecting the formation/growth of wax crystal, which has been known to be critical in PP/CP determination. For fuel oils, the specimen may be even pre-heated automatically and then cooled for PP/CP determination, which further improves test throughput.
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