Canada’s Instrumentation Leader Since 1946.

Dust Sentry

The Dust Sentry is the ultimate solution for real-time measurement of PM1, PM2.5, PM4, PM10, and TSP. Producing accurate and defensible data, that can be accessed from anywhere, the Dust Sentry is designed for those who need to monitor and manage multiple particulate size fractions for regulatory compliance applications. MCERTs certified and SCAQMD pre-approved, it’s suitable for use on a range of projects including construction, demolition, remediation, air quality research, and roadside monitoring.

  • SKU : I-A63-Dust Sentry Pro US
  • Manufacturer: Aeroqual
Contact us for details

The Dust Sentry is the ultimate solution for real-time measurement of PM1, PM2.5, PM4, PM10, and TSP. Producing accurate and defensible data, that can be accessed from anywhere, the Dust Sentry is designed for those who need to monitor and manage multiple particulate size fractions for regulatory compliance applications. MCERTs certified and SCAQMD pre-approved, it’s suitable for use on a range of projects including construction, demolition, remediation, air quality research, and roadside monitoring.

  • Dust Sentry with PCX delivers a certified, simultaneous multi-channel measurement of PM1, PM2.5, PM4, PM10, TSP, and particulate counts for 6 channels.
  • Benefit from efficient remote management with two-way communication, integrated flow measurement and control, and automated SMS and email alerts.
  • Robust, weather-proof enclosure, suitable for use in most conditions

The Dust Sentry with PCX is a real-time multi-channel particle counter, that uses scattered light to size and count particles, assigning them to one of six particle count channels based on diameter. Using a proprietary algorithm, particle counts for each size fraction are converted into mass measurements.

Packaged in a robust, weather-proof, lockable enclosure, the Dust Sentry is light enough for one-person site installations. The instrument includes an embedded PC, with more than 5 years data of on-board data storage and can be connected to Aeroqual’s Cloud air quality monitoring software platform.

What can it measure?

The Dust Sentry with PCX provides continuous and simultaneous measurement of PM1, PM2.5, PM4, PM10, TSP and particulate counts for 6 channels: 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, and 10 microns.

The Dust Sentry with nephelometer and optional cyclone provides continuous measurement of PM1, PM2.5, PM10, or TSP.

Options to integrate environmental sensors such as wind, noise, weather, and solar radiation make this a complete air monitoring solution for your next project.


The Dust Sentry with PCX is South Coast AQMD Rule 1466 approved and MCerts certified for PM10, and PM2.5. The Dust Sentry PM10 with SCC cyclone is South Coast AQMD Rule 1466 approved and MCerts certified for PM10.

Who is it for?

Used by various professionals, including industrial operators, environmental consultants, regulatory authorities, Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) managers, and researchers. The Dust Sentry is a cost effective and robust solution to help identify if particulate levels resulting from site activities comply with regulatory or permitted limits, and to minimize the risk posed by fugitive dust to nearby sensitive receptors, workers, and the surrounding community.

Practical applications for the Dust Sentry include:

  • Measurement of multi-channel fraction sizes
  • Construction activities and equipment emissions
  • Site Remediation
  • Fenceline and fugitive dust emission monitoring
  • EIA and Greenfield baseline studies
  • Air quality research
  • Roadside monitoring
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