Takes our G-118-H-1200 Universal Penetrometer and adds an automatic digital timer to it. The timer’s release mechanism is switchable between seconds minutes, or hours. Timer may be set in 1/10th second intervals. Plunger releases with push of a button, and automatically stops after the preset time duration. G-118-H-1240.5F adds a voltage adapter and internal switch […]
Takes our G-118-H-1200 Universal Penetrometer and adds an automatic digital timer to it. The timer's release mechanism is switchable between seconds minutes, or hours. Timer may be set in 1/10th second intervals. Plunger releases with push of a button, and automatically stops after the preset time duration. G-118-H-1240.5F adds a voltage adapter and internal switch on the timing mechanism to change cycle to 50Hz.
Shipping wt. 32 lbs. (14.5kg)
Electric Penetrometer, 115V 60Hz— G-118-H-1240
Electric Penetrometer, 230V 60Hz— G-118-H-1240.4F
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