PROFINETPROFINET is an Industrial Ethernet standard from "PROFIBUS&PROFINET" International designed for automation. ModbusModbus is a serial protocol managed by the Modbus Organization. ETHERNET POWERLINKETHERNET POWERLINK is a real-time communication system based on Ethernet networks and managed by EPSG. EtherNet/IPEtherNet/IP is an communication protocol developed by Rockwell Automation and managed by ODVA. EtherCATEtherCAT is an open […]
PROFINET is an Industrial Ethernet standard from "PROFIBUS&PROFINET" International designed for automation.
Modbus is a serial protocol managed by the Modbus Organization.
ETHERNET POWERLINK is a real-time communication system based on Ethernet networks and managed by EPSG.
EtherNet/IP is an communication protocol developed by Rockwell Automation and managed by ODVA.
EtherCAT is an open high performance Ethernet-based Fieldbus system. EtherCAT require short data update times with low communication jitter and low hardware costs.
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