Canada’s Instrumentation Leader Since 1946.

Fast Response Thermistor Reference Oxygen Sensor


Apogee oxygen sensors are designed to measure 0 – 100% oxygen and come with tinned leads to connect to a datalogger. The SO-210 is designed for use in lab applications with a faster response. It comes with a thermistor temperature sensor to correct for temperature changes. In applications with high humidity, condensation can occur on the […]

  • SKU : E-804-SO-210
  • Manufacturer: Apogee
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Apogee oxygen sensors are designed to measure 0 – 100% oxygen and come with tinned leads to connect to a datalogger. The SO-210 is designed for use in lab applications with a faster response. It comes with a thermistor temperature sensor to correct for temperature changes. In applications with high humidity, condensation can occur on the Teflon membrane, blocking the diffusion path of the sensor. To prevent this, a resistive heater is included to raise the temperature of the membrane approximately two degrees above ambient temperature. Select a diffusion or flow-through head if needed depending on your application. The sensor is calibrated to ambient air making it very easy to calibrate. An aluminum housing that is filled with epoxy allows the sensor to withstand harsh conditions.

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Principles of Surface Temperature Measurement

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