Canada’s Instrumentation Leader Since 1946.

Forney 325 Series Compression Machine

These machines are ideal for the general lab because of their versatility. Standard Testing Machines have frames manufactured from solid steel into a one-piece, welded unit that exceeds ACI recommendations.

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Test hydraulic cement, down hole cement, mortar, grout, concrete, self-consolidating concrete, CLSM, flowable fill, proppant, ceramics, metals, and plastics.


push one button and the machine performs the complete test, including piston retract. Accurately controls the rate of load at the desired setting, thus no question about meeting ASTM (or other) specifications and ensuring repeatable results. Frees the operator to do other tasks while testing is in process.


The load frame is manufactured from structural steel angles welded to top and bottom crossheads of solid steel plate. The hydraulic cylinder assembly is mounted to the bottom crosshead, with force being applied in upward direction and debris protection by metal shroud.


The hydraulic unit is supplied as a complete, fully integrated assembly. The unit is pre-piped and pre-wired. It incorporates hydraulic valves, including an optional proportional valve for controlled piston retract required by code for Modulus of Elasticity and Poisson’s Ratio tests.

The human machine interface (HMI), hydraulic unit, E-Stop, and dump valve are directly connected to the compression unit. Single unit design permits easy installation and provides portability without disassembling of hydraulic or electrical components.


Setup of testing protocol, real-time display of test data, and post-test data transfer is accomplished through the ForneyLink touchscreen HMI. The operator can navigate options for:

  • Test Run
  • Test Setup
  • Machine Setup
  • Calibration
  • Reporting and Data Transfer
  • Diagnostics

Provides simultaneous display of force, stress, and rate of load and displays a real-time graph of Load vs. Time, or Stress vs. Strain.


Standard functionality includes data collection by the ForneyLink HMI for printing and transfer.

Data from optional extensometer and compressometer displacement transducers are also collected by the HMI. This data is captured with the same timestamp as the load data.


Make your machine smart – enable two-way data communication by accessing information and making it available for the testing process. Connect your machine seamlessly to LIMS packages, QC software, and other third-party software participating on the ForneyVault platform. ForneyVault enabled machines help control the workload, and make your technicians smarter and more productive, with fewer costly errors.

A smart machine can:

  • Enable intelligent workflows
  • Enable Bar Code Scanning capability to identify the specimen to be tested
  • Validate specimen geometry
  • Calculate proper preload settings – based on actual and/or expected strength
  • Calibration Monitor provides notification of impending calibration requirements
  • Discard Dashboard provides context enabled specimen management for untested specimen disposal decisions.
  • Notify you that a correction factor should be used
  • Notify you of individual low breaks
  • Notify you of excessive variance among several specimens

A PC-based system utilizes a variable frequency drive to control the hydraulic pump motor. This maximizes efficiency – only running the pump at speeds necessary to achieve the desired pressure. This energy-efficient approach dramatically reduces heat build-up in the hydraulic system and greatly extends hydraulic component life.

Here are the main components of the system:

  • Variable frequency drive (VFD)
  • Windows-based touchscreen human machine interface (HMI)
  • Pressure transducer that provides pressure feedback
  • E-stop PB
  • Limit switch
  • Solenoid-operated dump valve

Several safety features are incorporated to protect both operator and testing machine:

  • Maximum Capacity Protection: A high-pressure safety relief value protects the hydraulic circuit and load frame from exceeding maximum capacity.
  • Overextension Protection: A piston over-extension limit switch system protects against piston extension beyond maximum travel.
  • Fragment Safety Guard: Fragment guards with latches and hinges are mounted to both the front and rear of the compression frame. Fragment guards are made of Lexan® and permits clear viewing of the test in process.
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