The GDS Electromechanical Dynamic Cyclic Simple Shear Device (EMDCSS) is for simple shear testing, which can be upgraded to direct shear. It is capable of carrying out dynamic cyclic tests from small strain (0.005% shear strain amplitude) to large strain (10% shear strain amplitude), as well as extremely accurate quasi-static testing. This is the choice […]
The GDS Electromechanical Dynamic Cyclic Simple Shear Device (EMDCSS) is for simple shear testing, which can be upgraded to direct shear. It is capable of carrying out dynamic cyclic tests from small strain (0.005% shear strain amplitude) to large strain (10% shear strain amplitude), as well as extremely accurate quasi-static testing. This is the choice for a no-compromise simple shear machine with the greatest range of testing capability. The perfect choice for advanced commercial testing or academic research.
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