Canada’s Instrumentation Leader Since 1946.

INSITE Wireless Remotes

Data delivery you can trust and power you can rely on. ​Insite Wireless Remotes use LoRa radios that extend ranges and use less power expanding your ability to send data and letting you worry less about keeping them going.  Remotes can be set to send data at different intervals so that you can gather critical data […]

Contact us for details
Data delivery you can trust and power you can rely on.
​Insite Wireless Remotes use LoRa radios that extend ranges and use less power expanding your ability to send data and letting you worry less about keeping them going.  Remotes can be set to send data at different intervals so that you can gather critical data more often, or monitor less critical locations less frequently.  All Remotes are powered by low-cost, easy to find AA batteries making them powerful and convenient!
See more Geotechnical system tools here.
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