Canada’s Instrumentation Leader Since 1946.

Junction Box for VVP-15B (SR-6JB)

Connected by a short cable to the SR-6 cathode plate, controls electrofishing output. It also expands the electrofisher output by providing connectors for up to three Extension Cables. An “in use -or- off” switch for two of the three electrode connectors allows use of 1, 2, or 3 electrodes. All active electrode pole switches and […]

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Connected by a short cable to the SR-6 cathode plate, controls electrofishing output. It also expands the electrofisher output by providing connectors for up to three Extension Cables. An "in use -or- off" switch for two of the three electrode connectors allows use of 1, 2, or 3 electrodes. All active electrode pole switches and push handle must be operated simultaneously to provide electrofisher output.

Compatible with VVP-15B Electrofisher.

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