Canada’s Instrumentation Leader Since 1946.

Lab lysimeter

To complement our lysimeter product line, we have developed a laboratory scale solution. The laboratory lysimeter is a small weighable lysimeter station, suitable for monoliths with a diameter of 200 to 800 mm and a height of 200 to 1.500 mm and indoor investigations. It is suitable for both disturbed (filled by hand) and undisturbed soil monoliths (special sampling devices).

  • Manufacturer: UGT
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To complement our lysimeter product line, we have developed a laboratory scale solution. The laboratory lysimeter is a small weighable lysimeter station, suitable for monoliths with a diameter of 200 to 800 mm and a height of 200 to 1.500 mm and indoor investigations. It is suitable for both disturbed (filled by hand) and undisturbed soil monoliths (special sampling devices).

We offer laboratory lysimeters in a variety of configurations. Each laboratory lysimeter system is customized to fit the planned project.

Possible measurement parameters are:
  • Weighing
  • Lower limit control
  • Irrigation
  • Water content of the soil
  • Soil temperature
  • Electrical conductivity
  • Soil pore sampling
  • Redox
  • pH value
Soil processes on a laboratory scale

Lysimeters are an important tool for investigating the water balance in agriculture, forestry and other ecological issues. In combination with precipitation measurements (sprinkler system) they allow the quantitative determination of the current evapotranspiration of vegetation-covered or vegetation-free soils.

Our laboratory lysimeter is a small lysimeter, which we have designed especially for laboratory use (indoor). Design, construction and functionality are always fully adapted to the study objective.

Studying soil processes on a laboratory scale has several advantages:
  • the controlled environment allows more accurate experiments
  • the scale can be adapted to a wide range of processes
  • it allows shorter experiment times compared to field studies
  • different materials can be incorporated quickly
Structure of our laboratory lysimeter – optionally expandable

The compact laboratory lysimeter consists of a lysimeter vessel, a weighing system and a set of high precision and accurately fitting soil hydrological sensors and a control station each.

The UGT laboratory lysimeter can be extended by a tension- and time-controlled suction probe system for automated control of the pore water extraction module and the lower lysimeter rim module, and by a sprinkler system.

The basic module is always the lysimeter vessel, which can be filled manually with a disturbed soil, but can also contain an undisturbed monolith. For laboratory purposes, a plastic jacket is usually used.

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