Canada’s Instrumentation Leader Since 1946.

midi Logger GL240 Series

All channel Isolated/Universal input, Standalone Multi-Channel Its compact size contains an isolated input system which ensures that signals are not corrupted by inputs to other channels, thus eliminating wiring concerns. The GL240s multi-type inputs are suitable for voltage, temperature, humidity, pulse, and logic signals, enabling combined measurements of different phenomena like temperature/humidity and voltage. Voltage […]

  • SKU : I-I41-GL240
  • Manufacturer: Graphtec
Contact us for details
All channel Isolated/Universal input, Standalone Multi-Channel

Its compact size contains an isolated input system which ensures that signals are not corrupted by inputs to other channels, thus eliminating wiring concerns. The GL240s multi-type inputs are suitable for voltage, temperature, humidity, pulse, and logic signals, enabling combined measurements of different phenomena like temperature/humidity and voltage.

Voltage20 mV - 100 V , 1-5 V/F.S.


Type: K, J, E, T, R, S, B, N, and W (WRe5-26)


0 to 100% RH- using the humidity sensor (option B-530)


4ch Rotation count (RPM), Accumulating count, Instant count

Maximum sampling interval of up to 10ms

Provides faster sampling rates for voltage measurements. Up to 10ms sampling speed is achievable when limiting the number of channels in use.

Sampling Interval


Number of channel





Built-in 4GB Flash memory with SD card support

The new GL series enables reliable long term measurment with its built-in 4GB flash memory and SD card slot for external storage devices. The SD card slot supports an SDHC memory card of up to 32GB.
The captured data can be stored in GBD (Graphtec binary data) or CSV file format.



GBD format

41 days

88 days

103 days

207 days

Over 365

Over 365Over 365

CSV format

3 days11 days16 days

36 days

91 days

182 days

Over 365

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