OTT Parsivel² is a modern, laser-based disdrometer for comprehensive and reliable measurement of all types of precipitation. The device works on the extinction principle and measures precipitation particles using the shadowing effects they cause when they pass through a laser band. Parsivel² captures both the size and the rate of fall in detail of the […]
OTT Parsivel² is a modern, laser-based disdrometer for comprehensive and reliable measurement of all types of precipitation.
The device works on the extinction principle and measures precipitation particles using the shadowing effects they cause when they pass through a laser band.
Parsivel² captures both the size and the rate of fall in detail of the individual hydrometers and classifies them into a range of 32 classes each.
Depending on the measuring interval set, the resulting precipitation spectrum covers a time between 10 seconds and one hour.
A fast signal processor uses the raw data to calculate the type of precipitation as well as the amount and intensity of the precipitation, the visibility in precipitation, the kinetic energy of the precipitation and the equivalent radar reflectivity.
Using standard ports, both the calculated and the spectral data are output to a datalogger, an automatic weather station or a PC.
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