Canada’s Instrumentation Leader Since 1946.

pH Tester and Measurement

Laboratory Instrument for pH and mV Tests Perform accurate lab pH measurements with the YSI pH1200. Instrument features: auto buffer recognition, large display, sensor efficiency check, autolock mode and more for accurate lab pH testing. The YSI pH1200 operation is easy-to-use and includes a large, easy-to-read LCD. An autolock feature will hold the readings on […]

  • SKU : E-528-pH1200
  • Manufacturer: YSI
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Laboratory Instrument for pH and mV Tests

Perform accurate lab pH measurements with the YSI pH1200.

Instrument features: auto buffer recognition, large display, sensor efficiency check, autolock mode and more for accurate lab pH testing.

The YSI pH1200 operation is easy-to-use and includes a large, easy-to-read LCD. An autolock feature will hold the readings on the display once they reach stabilization. Simple 1-, 2- or 3-point calibration routine with automatic buffer recognition of US and NIST buffers and sensor efficiency function helps ensure the most accurate data. The instrument can be powered by batteries or through AC power.

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