Canada’s Instrumentation Leader Since 1946.

Platinum Resistance Thermometer (PRT)


The ST-300 is a 1/10 DIN platinum resistance thermometer (PRT), consisting of a platinum resistive element enclosed in a stainless steel sheath, and lead wires to connect the sensor to a measurement device. ST-300 sensors are weatherproof and designed for continuous air temperature measurement when housed in an aspirated radiation shield, such as the TS-100 […]

  • SKU : E-804-ST-300-SS
  • Manufacturer: Apogee
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The ST-300 is a 1/10 DIN platinum resistance thermometer (PRT),
consisting of a platinum resistive element enclosed in a stainless steel
sheath, and lead wires to connect the sensor to a measurement device.
ST-300 sensors are weatherproof and designed for continuous air
temperature measurement when housed in an aspirated radiation shield,
such as the TS-100 fan aspirated radiation shield.


Calibration Uncertainty:
-50 to 70 C

Measurement Repeatability:
0.1 C from -40 to 60 C (1/10 DIN)

Measurement Repeatability:
< 0.01 C

Non-stability (Long-term Drift):
<0.05 C per year (when used in non-condensing environments
where the annual average temperature is less than 30 C; continuously
high temperatures or continuously humid environments increase drift

Equilibration Time:
15 seconds

< 0.01 C (typical, assuming pulsed excitation of 2.1 V DC);
0.09 C at 5 C (maximum, assuming continuous input excitation of 2.1 V

Operating Environment:
-50 to 70 C, 0 to 100 % relative humidity

Input Voltage Requirement:
2.1 V DC

Output Voltage Range:
16 to 27 mV DC (assuming input excitation of 2.1 V DC)

Current Drain:
0.21 mA DC (maximum, assuming continuous input excitation of 2.1 V DC)
Dimensions: 65 mm length, 3 mm diameter
Mass: 95 g

5 m of four conductor, shielded, twisted-pair wire. Additional
cable available in multiples of 5 m. Santoprene rubber jacket (high
water resistance, high UV stability, flexibility in cold conditions).
Pigtail lead wires.



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