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Single root auger

Single root auger Applications: Soil sampling above groundwater table Environmental soil research Undisturbed sampling Soil texture research Root zone sampling Root research is executed to improve the insight in the possibilities for root growth (depth and concentration) of the root system of trees and plants. In general it is important to all plants to have […]

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Single root auger


  • Soil sampling above groundwater table
  • Environmental soil research
  • Undisturbed sampling
  • Soil texture research
  • Root zone sampling
Root research is executed to improve the insight in the possibilities for root growth (depth and concentration) of the root system of trees and plants. In general it is important to all plants to have a dense and extensive root system in the soil. An extensive root system allows the plant to benefit from a large volume of soil. If sufficient quantities of nutrients and water are present the absorption will be larger if the root system is more extensive. Measuring the root system also is a useful means of localizing physical and/or chemical barriers in the soil profile.

If the root system researched deviates substantially from an ‘ordinary’ root system, then this is usually due to the following profile characteristics:

  • Presence of layers that are hard to penetrate by roots, for example plough layers, bog ore, heavy clay and loam layers.
  • Sharp contrast in profile, e.g. clay to sand, a soil rich of humus to a soil poor of humus (sand), etc.
  • High groundwater level.
The single root auger is used to take undisturbed samples for root investigations in soils with low penetration resistance. Samples with a length of 15 cm can be taken to a depth of max. 1 m.

Benefits single root auger:

  • Cheap and simple root sample corer
  • Gives large cylindrical cores, easy to wash
  • Possible for soft (turf) layers
  • Durable, maintenance free stainless steel
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