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Soil column cylinder auger

Soil column cylinder auger Applications: Soil profile description and classification Soil sampling above groundwater table Environmental soil research Undisturbed sampling Soil texture research Root zone sampling The soil column cylinder auger has been developed to take undisturbed soil samples. This allows for a fast insight in the built-up of the soil profile, the possibilities for […]

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Soil column cylinder auger

  • Soil profile description and classification
  • Soil sampling above groundwater table
  • Environmental soil research
  • Undisturbed sampling
  • Soil texture research
  • Root zone sampling

The soil column cylinder auger has been developed to take undisturbed soil samples. This allows for a fast insight in the built-up of the soil profile, the possibilities for a root system, etc. The more insight in these matters, the more effective fertilization and treatment of the soil can be done.

Benefits soil column cylinder auger

  • A smooth large sample with a small effort
  • Low pull out friction due to loose cutting ring
  • Large window for sub sampling or description
  • Mobile yet very powerfull
  • Ideal for serious studies on top 1 m of soil


  • Limited to first meter of top soil
  • Not for very hard soils (use smaller diameter)

The soil column cylinder auger

To execute general examination of the soil profile another method has been developed where samples are taken from the soil applying the soil column cylinder auger.

Applying this system it is possible to take undisturbed samples with a length of 100 cm and a diameter of 93 mm, without digging a profile pit. The soil column cylinder auger is hammered into the soil applying a gasoline driven mechanical hammer (on special request an electrical driven hammer). The cylinder has a removable side, among other things, for checking and/or for sub-sampling of the soil column. In the standard set among other things there are a gasoline driven mechanical hammer, a stainless steel soil column cylinder, a hand auger, an extraction system and sample gutters.


The soil column cylinder, among other things, can be used for:

  • Structure description of the soil (also the very thin layers)
  • Investigation of the root to gain insight in the possibilities for a root system considering depth and  intensity
  • Determination of contents and density of the soil using undisturbed samples
  • Researching the moisture content and the concentration of dissolved substances in long running field studies
  • Studies after the flow behavior of water and dissolved substances in for instance soils where very  preferential moisture transport occurs
  • Archeological research
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