A tensiometer measures the force with which water is held in the soil by the soil particles. This force, referred to as soil suction, tension, or potential, indicates how tightly the water is bound in the soil, and how much energy must be exerted by plant roots to remove and use the water. The basic […]
A tensiometer measures the force with which water is held in the soil by the soil particles. This force, referred to as soil suction, tension, or potential, indicates how tightly the water is bound in the soil, and how much energy must be exerted by plant roots to remove and use the water. The basic components of a tensiometer include a porous ceramic cup, a plastic body tube, and a vacuum gauge. The ceramic cup is placed in good hydraulic contact with the soil and allows transfer of water into and out of the tensiometer body according to the tension in the soil. The vacuum inside the tensiometer body equilibrates with the soil water tension, and the dial gauge provides a direct readout of the tension.
The Model 2710AR-L Tensiometer is a simple, versatile, and inexpensive instrument which provides a direct measurement of soil water tension. The modular design allows easy replacement of the ceramic cup and dial gauge, and addition of extension tubes and the Service Cap. The tensiometer is available in a variety of lengths, ranging from 6 inches (15 cm) to 60 inches (1.5 m). Series 0240 Insertion Tools can be used for coring a hole in the soil to accept these units. The Model 2710K1 Service Kit, available separately, is used to refill and maintain the tensiometer.
An additional accessory available for all tensiometers is the "low tension" dialgauge. This gauge has a scale division from 0 to 50 centibars. This will allow a better and more accurate reading of the soil suction upto 50 centibars. (2060FG6)
Part number / Description
2710ARL06-L / SOILMOISTURE TENSIOMETER, 1/2 bar gauge, 6 inch depth
2710ARL12-L /SOILMOISTURE TENSIOMETER, 1/2 bar gauge, 12 inch depth
2710ARL18-L / SOILMOISTURE TENSIOMETER, 1/2 bar gauge, 18 inch depth
2710ARL24-L / SOILMOISTURE TENSIOMETER, 1/2 bar gauge, 24 inch depth
2710ARL36-L / SOILMOISTURE TENSIOMETER, 1/2 bar gauge, 36 inch depth
2710ARL48-L / SOILMOISTURE TENSIOMETER, 1/2 bar gauge, 48 inch depth
2710ARL60 -L / SOILMOISTURE TENSIOMETER, 1/2 bar gauge, 60 inch depth
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