Transfer Radiation Thermometer
Covering the temperature range of
-50°C TO 1000°C
The HEITRONICS Transfer Radiation Thermometer (TRT) is for use as a Transfer Standard of the highest level at NMIs (National Metrological Institute). It provides a high quality accurate transfer of temperatures to user's Black Body Radiators (BBRs), after the TRT is calibrated against NMI fixed-point Black Body Radiators.
For convenient and scientific use at the TRT the user has access to the major features and values at the TRT by using PC-based software.
Temperature Ranges and Spectral Ranges
The HEITRONICS Transfer Radiation Thermometer TRT IV.82 covering the temperature range of -50 °C to 1000°C. The temperature range of -50 °C up to 1000 °C is related to the spectral response of 8 - 14 µm. The spectral responses will be provided with the delivery and the manual of the instruments.