Canada’s Instrumentation Leader Since 1946.

Turbidity Plus™ with Integrated Wiper

Turbidity Plus™ is an accurate single-channel turbidity sensor including an integrated wiper which is triggered by the user. It is designed for integration with multiparameter systems and dataloggers from which it receives power and the wiper trigger. Turbidity Plus delivers a voltage output proportional to the turbidity of the sample which can be correlated to […]

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Turbidity Plus™ is an accurate single-channel turbidity sensor including an integrated wiper which is triggered by the user. It is designed for integration with multiparameter systems and dataloggers from which it receives power and the wiper trigger. Turbidity Plus delivers a voltage output proportional to the turbidity of the sample which can be correlated to nephelometric turbidity unit (NTU) values by calibrating with a standard of known concentration. Deployable to 200m, Turbidity Plus is available with or without a plastic housing for simplified integration.

Product Highlights:
  • Integrated Wiper Package
  • Low Power Consumption
  • Excellent Value
  • Now accepts the full range of 3-15V
Turbidity Plus Physical Specifications
Diameter: 1.185", 3.01 cm (Delrin)
Length: Housing only: 4.35", 11.05 cm
Housing w/ Connector & Wiper: 6.10", 15.49 cm
Weight w/ Connector & Wiper: 4.9 oz; 138 g
Temperature Range: Ambient: 0 to 50 deg C
Water Temp: -2 to 50 deg C
Depth Range: 200 meters
Turbidity Plus Electrical Specifications
Signal Output: single gain, 0 - 5 VDC
Supply Voltage Range: 3 - 15 VDC
Wiper Trigger: 3.2 VDC
Maximum Peak Current: 100 mA
Settling Time: < 3 seconds T99
Power Requirements: @12V, 140 mW signal only
@12V, 230 mW while wiper rotates
Turbidity Plus Performance Specifications
Linearity: 0.99R2
MDL: 0.5 NTU
Range: 0 - 3,000 NTU
*Accuracy, precision, and resolution are determined by the user's correlation between the 0-5V output and the 0-3,000 NTU

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