Canada’s Instrumentation Leader Since 1946.

Type T 6 ft Beaded Thermocouple Sensor


A Type T thermocouple probe that includes 1.8m (6') of insulated 30-AWG wire wound on an integrated spool caddy/subminiature connector. Color-coded for type T (blue) thermocouples according to the ANSI standard, this probe is teflon-insulated.

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A Type T thermocouple probe that includes 1.8m (6′) of insulated 30-AWG wire wound on an integrated spool caddy/subminiature connector. Color-coded for type T (blue) thermocouples according to the ANSI standard, this probe is teflon-insulated and responsive over a range of -200° to 180°C (-330° to 356°F) with an initial accuracy of ±1.5°C (±2.7°F). Overall accuracy varies with attached logger.


  • 30-AWG wire
  • Teflon-insulated probe
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