The VDCSS (Also known as Bi-directional) allows direct simple shear to be performed in two directions, rather than the standard single direction. This is achieved by having a secondary shear actuator that acts at 90 degrees to the primary actuator. When used as a variable direction machine, the secondary shear axis can be used independently […]
The VDCSS (Also known as Bi-directional) allows direct simple shear to be performed in two directions, rather than the standard single direction. This is achieved by having a secondary shear actuator that acts at 90 degrees to the primary actuator.
When used as a variable direction machine, the secondary shear axis can be used independently or in conjunction with the other shear axis. Therefore, simple shear may be performed in any horizontal direction. Used for simulating change in wind direction on a wind turbine without having to remove the sample
To see a comparison table of selected GDS shear products, click on the link, shear products comparison.
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