AFIDA is a revolutionary development providing you with a fully automated way of determining Indicated Cetane Number (ICN) of diesel and diesel related fuels. The AFIDA can analyse multiple samples in sequence and selects the samples using the 36-place autosampler
AFIDA is a revolutionary development providing fully automated
determination of the Cetane Number Constant Volume CN(cv) of diesel and
diesel related fuels. The Analyser incorporates a unique and patented
high pressure injection system that generates fi ne fuel droplets
similar to modern common rail injectors that are currently applied in
the automotive industry.
Direct correlation to ASTM D613 (ISO 5165) CFR engine tests. The
Analyser provides very fast, efficient and calibrated CN determinations,
tests are fully automated via an integral carousel and auto sampler.
The traditional Cetane ‘CFR’ engine method establishes an ignition
delay period for the test fuel which is measured against primary
reference fuels (PRF’s).
Existing CVCC technology (including IQT and CD510 instruments)
provide a Derived Cetane Number (DCN) result based on a correlation
equation applied to the ignition delay of the fuel sample.
The new generation AFIDA technology is a signifi cant step forward
as it uses the exact same Primary Reference Fuels as specifi ed in the
CFR Engine method to provide a calibrated cetane number measurement.
Initial test programmes have shown excellent correlation between EN
ISO 5165 cetane number and AFIDA cetane number. The coefficient of
determination (R²) is 0.98.
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