Canada’s Instrumentation Leader Since 1946.

Current Source Power Unit

The Dytran model 4112B is a line–operated constant current power unit designed to power IEPE sensors. This power unit separates the sensor's dynamic signal from its DC bias voltage and amplifies the sensor signal by selectable factors of X1, X10 or X100. Units supply a fixed 4 mA of constant current power to the IEPE […]

  • SKU : IA40-4112B
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The Dytran model 4112B is a line–operated constant current power unit designed to power IEPE sensors. This power unit separates the sensor's dynamic signal from its DC bias voltage and amplifies the sensor signal by selectable factors of X1, X10 or X100.

Units supply a fixed 4 mA of constant current power to the IEPE sensor. If more current is required for a specific application such as when driving long cables, it is possibly to modify this unit to provide up to 20 mA of sensor drive current. Consult the factory for details.

Model 4112B is normally line–operated from 115VAC mains, 50–60 Hz. A 230VAC version, model E4112, is also available for use in countries where the normal line voltage is 230VAC.

Model Specifications
4112B Gain x1, x10, x100, buffered output, BNC jack input connector, BNC jack output connector


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