Canada’s Instrumentation Leader Since 1946.

DB600 Data Buoy

The DB600 is an integrated, easy-to-assemble, plug-n-play buoy for remote monitoring and can support a range of sensors. The All-in-One (Ai1) package includes everything required to transmit sensor data direct to your computer or device, with industrial field reliability. Pair it with a YSI EXO sonde, an Aanderaa DCS, and HydroSphere for a world-class monitoring […]

  • SKU : E-528-DB600
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The DB600 is an integrated, easy-to-assemble, plug-n-play buoy for remote monitoring and can support a range of sensors. The All-in-One (Ai1) package includes everything required to transmit sensor data direct to your computer or device, with industrial field reliability. Pair it with a YSI EXO sonde, an Aanderaa DCS, and HydroSphere for a world-class monitoring system!**

* USD **Sold separately

Deploying a high-quality data buoy has never been easier, or more affordable.

The DB600 arrives fully integrated and can be deployed by a single person. With it's unique Ai1 telemetry system, high-efficiency solar-based power system, and field-ruggedized buoy, the data buoy, DB600, can be used in any critical application where an ongoing stream of data is paramount. Pair it with YSI's EXO sondes, Aanderaa's single-point current sensor, and HydroSphere data visualizaton for a world-class monitoring station.

The DB600 Package includes:

  • DB600 buoy
  • Stainless steel sensor deployment tube
  • Ai1 logging and communication system
  • Solar power system
  • Sensor cable
  • Navigation beacon

The DB600 was designed to support all models of YSI EXO sondes as well as the Aanderaa DCS.

*For 4G telemetry options. Iridium pricing will vary.

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