Canada’s Instrumentation Leader Since 1946.

Enterprise Level Pressure Volume Controller

The GDS Enterprise Level Pressure/Volume Controller (ELDPC) is a general-purpose water pressure source and volume change gauge for the precise regulation and measurement of fluid pressure and volume change. The enterprise level controller is aimed at commercial testing and is available in one configuration, 1MPa pressure and 200cc volume. Liquid (normally deaerated water) in a […]

  • SKU : G-345-ELDPC
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The GDS Enterprise Level Pressure/Volume Controller (ELDPC) is a general-purpose water pressure source and volume change gauge for the precise regulation and measurement of fluid pressure and volume change.

The enterprise level controller is aimed at commercial testing and is available in one configuration, 1MPa pressure and 200cc volume. Liquid (normally deaerated water) in a cylinder is pressurised and displaced by a piston moving into the cylinder. The piston is actuated by a ball screw turned in a captive ball nut by an electric motor and gearbox that move linearly on a ball slide. Click here to read our controller comparison.

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