Canada’s Instrumentation Leader Since 1946.

High Temperature Miniature IEPE Accelerometer

The Dytran model 3115AH is a miniature, high temperature, IEPE accelerometer, with an overall weight of 2 grams. Offered with a 10 mV/g sensitivity and 500g shock limit, the model 3115AH incorporates a quartz crystal sensing element, for flat sensitivity over temperature. This miniature sensor was created for embedded shock monitoring of drilling tools. Model […]

  • SKU : IA40-3115AH
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The Dytran model 3115AH is a miniature, high temperature, IEPE accelerometer, with an overall weight of 2 grams. Offered with a 10 mV/g sensitivity and 500g shock limit, the model 3115AH incorporates a quartz crystal sensing element, for flat sensitivity over temperature. This miniature sensor was created for embedded shock monitoring of drilling tools.

Model 3115AH features a rugged stainless steel construction, integral insulated pigtail leads and adhesive mounting. Unit has an operating temperature of 392°F (200°) for use in high temperature environments.


  • Stainless steel
  • High temperature operation
  • Miniature
  • IEPE


  • Embedded miniature, high temperature applications
  • OEM embedded applications
  • Embedded shock monitoring for drilling tools
Model Specifications
3115AH 10 mV/g sensitivity, 500g range, integral insulated pigtail leads, adhesive mount, 2 grams,–60 to +392°F Operation
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