Canada’s Instrumentation Leader Since 1946.

HOBOnet Wireless Temp/RH Sensor


A battery-powered wireless sensor that works with the HOBOnet system to monitor air temperature and relative humidity.

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A cost-effective and scalable solution for web-enabled monitoring of air temperature and humidity. HOBOnet wireless sensors communicate data directly to the RX Station or pass data through other wireless sensors back to the central station. They are preconfigured and ready to deploy, and data is accessed through HOBOlink, Onset’s innovative cloud-based software platform.


Sensor Features
  • High accuracy: ± 0.2°C (± 0.36°F) and ± 2.5% RH
  • Robust RH sensor withstands extended use in high-humidity environments

Wireless Features

  • 900 MHz wireless mesh self-healing technology
  • 450 to 600 meter (1,500 to 2,000 feet) wireless range and up to five hops
  • Up to 50 wireless sensors or 336 data channels per RX Station
  • Simple button-push to join the HOBOnet wireless network
  • Onboard memory to ensure no data loss
  • Powered by 2 user-replaceable lithium AA batteries
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