Canada’s Instrumentation Leader Since 1946.

Impulse Hammer

The Dytran Dytranpulse™ series 5800 is a general purpose IEPE impulse hammer used to excite structures or machinery with a definable impulse force. The impulse is used to identify resonances, an important measurement parameter for the study of dynamic behavior, as well as to help determine the overall structural health of a test specimen. Available […]

  • SKU : IA40-5800 Series
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The Dytran Dytranpulse™ series 5800 is a general purpose IEPE impulse hammer used to excite structures or machinery with a definable impulse force. The impulse is used to identify resonances, an important measurement parameter for the study of dynamic behavior, as well as to help determine the overall structural health of a test specimen. Available with 5–100 lbf range, the Dytran series 5800 features a 100–gram head weight and is supplied with three interchangeable impact tips.

The Dytran Dynapulse™ impulse hammers incorporate a special acceleration compensated piezoelectric force sensor in the hammer head at the striking face, ensuring a smooth frequency spectrum that is free from anomalies. Electrical connection is achieved via a BNC connector jack located at the end of the hammer handle. Series 5800 features TEDS capabilities (per ) for use in larger channel count applications in several models.


  • TEDS capabilities available in some models
  • IEPE


  • Machinery parts
  • MIMO test
  • Modal and structural analysis
  • Root cause failure analysis
  • General purpose use on car frames, bearing housings, brake rotors, I–beams, plates and other small–to–medium sized structures and machinery
Model Specifications
5800B2  22.48 mV/N sensitivity, 0.22 kN range, BNC connector, head weight 100 grams
5800B2T 22.48 mV/N sensitivity, 0.22 kN range, BNC connector, head weight 100 grams, TEDS,–40 to +66°C Operation
5800B3  11.24 mV/N sensitivity, 0.44 kN range, BNC connector, head weight 100 grams
5800B3T 11.24 mV/N sensitivity, 0.44 kN range, BNC connector, head weight 100 grams, TEDS,–40 to +66°C Operation
5800B4   2.25 mV/N sensitivity, 2.22 kN range, BNC connector, head weight 100 grams
5800B4T 2.25 mV/N sensitivity, 2.22 kN range, BNC connector, head weight 100 grams, TEDS,–40 to +66°C Operation
5800B5 1.12 mV/N sensitivity, 4.45 kN range, BNC connector, head weight 100 grams
5800B5T 1.12 mV/N sensitivity, 4.45 kN range, BNC connector, head weight 100 grams, TEDS,–40 to +66°C Operation
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