Canada’s Instrumentation Leader Since 1946.

Interface Meter – Water Level Sensors

The Waterra Interface Sensors utilize sophisticated ultrasonic sensors to help define the product layer. Tests have shown these sensors are more sensitive to a broader range of hydrocarbon products. Polyethylene coated tape. Tape Lengths: 30m, 50m, 75m or 100mGraduations: 1mm

  • SKU : E-476-WS/WS-2
  • Manufacturer: Waterra
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The Waterra Interface Sensors utilize sophisticated ultrasonic sensors to help define the product layer. Tests have shown these sensors are more sensitive to a broader range of hydrocarbon products. Polyethylene coated tape.

Tape Lengths: 30m, 50m, 75m or 100m
Graduations: 1mm

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