The Setaflash Series 8 ActiveCool, closed cup flash point tester provides fast and reliable flash point results with a wide temperature range of -30 to 135 °C with no external cooling required.
With the Series 8, a test takes less than 2 minutes with just a 2 or 4 ml sample size. A simple user interface with colour digital display and touchscreen icons guides you through the straightforward testing process. For easy record keeping the instrument stores 100,000 test results which can be saved and transferred via a USB port.
Designed for precise and accurate tests, barometric pressure is measured by an internal barometer and correction is automatically applied to the test result. Unknown samples can be tested using ramp mode.
ASTM D3278
ASTM D3828
ASTM D7236
ASTM D8174
ASTM E502IP 523IP 534IP 602BS EN ISO 3679 & BS 2000-523CLP REGULATIONS EC NO 1272/2008EPA 1020 BISO 3679
- Simple test procedure
- Compact, rugged design
- Gas ignition
- Automated flash detection
- Ramp mode for unknown samples
- Automatic barometric pressure correction
- Peltier heating and cooling
- Fire detection (alarm and relay)
- USB port and result storage